Elafonissi & Kedrodasos

Rent a car and drive to the unique Elafonissi and Kedrodasos Beach.

Rent a car in Crete and drive to Elafonissi &Kedrodasos

 Rent a car in Crete and start exploring this unique island. 

  • Elafonissi Beach is one of the most emblematic of the island, and is featured on countless postcards of Cretan souvenir shops.It is to be found 80km from Chania city.Elafonissi is a small island, connected to the Cretan mainland by a swallow crossing of several hundred meters, which is part of the NATURA 2000, is characterized by its pale sands, it's swallow and crystal-clear waters, turquoise in color and the small pink patches made up from crushed sea-shells.

           Ideally one should visit Elafonissi outside of the tourist season, when it is not over crowded. Camping is not permitted here.

  • South of Elafonissi is another area of wild and remarkable beauty- Kedrodasos or the Forest of Cedars. Access can be made by car (up to a certain point) by a dirt- road through the plastic green house, or on foot following the E4 walking- route from the beach of Elafonissi itself.

           Dunes of white sand and the ancient cedars cover the whole vicinity.The main beach is sandy and boasts crystal- clear turquoise waters along the coastal path from Elafonissi to Kedrodasos are small deserted coves.Unlike Elafonissi , Kedrodasos is absolutely untouched: no food or water is to be had there, so make sure you take what you need with you on a visit. Kedrodasos is too part of the NATURA 2000 programme.

          Because of it's shady nature and isolation, the spot is a favorite haunt for unsupervised camping and nudists. But be warned :here too camping is illegal.

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